Build & Push to DIV Harbor


  • Accounted created at DIV Harbor & Acces to a project repositry
  • Harbor CLI Secret
  • Docker
  • custom project with a dockerfile that you want to build and push

Building a project

To build your project, you’ll need to run the following command:

Docker Build Command

sudo docker build -t -f Dockerfile .

-t: specifies the tag of the image you need to put it in this format [location]/[yourapp]:[version]

-f: specifies the location of the dockerfile

the . at the end specifies the context it’ll will run in.

Pushing a project

Next you can push it to the registry like this (The push & tag command is also available under the project > push command tab)

Docker Push Command

sudo docker push

After the push you'll need to specify the image that you want to push. For windows you dont have to add the sudo